Collage  1.1.2
High-performance C++ library for developing object-oriented distributed applications.
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
|\Cco::DataStreamArchiveExceptionException thrown when serialization cannot proceed
|\Cco::DataIStreamArchiveA boost.serialization input archive reading from a co::DataIStream
|\Cco::DataOStreamArchiveA boost.serialization output archive writing to a co::DataOStream
|\Cco::DataIStreamArchiveA boost.serialization input archive reading from a co::DataIStream
|oCco::CommandQueueA thread-safe, blocking queue for ICommand buffers
|oCco::ConnectionAn interface definition for communication between hosts
||\Cco::BufferConnectionA proxy connection buffering outgoing data into a memory buffer
|oCco::ConnectionSetHandles events on a set of connections
|oCco::DataOStreamA std::ostream-like interface for object serialization
||oCco::OCommandA class for sending commands with data to local and external nodes
|||oCco::CustomOCommandA class for sending custom commands and data to nodes
|||\Cco::ObjectOCommandA class for sending commands and data to local & external objects
||\Cco::QueueItemThe item of the distributed queue holding the data
|oCco::DataIStreamArchive::use_array_optimization::apply< T >
|\Cco::DataOStreamArchive::use_array_optimization::apply< T >
oCco::BufferListenerA listener interface to buffer state changes
oCco::CommandFunc< T >A wrapper to register a function callback on an object instance
oCco::DataIStreamA std::istream-like input data stream for binary data
|\Cco::ICommandA class managing received commands
| oCco::CustomICommandAn input command specialization for custom commands
| \Cco::ObjectICommandAn input command specialization for objects
oCco::DispatcherA class providing command dispatch functionality to networked objects
|oCco::NodeProxy node representing a remote LocalNode
||\Cco::LocalNodeNode specialization for a local node
|\Cco::ObjectA distributed object
| oCco::BarrierA networked, versioned barrier
| oCco::QueueMasterThe producer end of a distributed queue
| oCco::QueueSlaveThe consumer end of a distributed queue
| \Cco::SerializableBase class for distributed, inheritable objects
|  \Cco::ObjectMapA distributed object registry
oCco::GlobalGlobal parameter handling for the Collage library
oCco::ObjectFactoryThe interface to create objects, used by ObjectMap
oCco::ObjectHandlerInterface for entities which map and register objects
|\Cco::LocalNodeNode specialization for a local node
oCco::ObjectVersionA helper struct bundling an object identifier and version
oCco::VersionInformation about the current Collage version
oCco::ZeroconfA zeroconf communicator
oChash< co::ObjectVersion >ObjectVersion hash function
|\Cco::BufferA receive buffer for a Connection
|oCco::BufferA receive buffer for a Connection
|oCco::ConnectionAn interface definition for communication between hosts
|oCco::ConnectionDescriptionDescribes Connection parameters
|oCco::NodeProxy node representing a remote LocalNode
|\Cco::LocalNodeNode specialization for a local node
|\Cco::WorkerThread< Q >A worker thread processing items out of a CommandQueue
\Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 \Cco::ExceptionA base Exception class for Collage operations