Equalizer 1.0

eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > Member List

This is the complete list of members for eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >, including all inherited members.
_cmdSync(co::Command &command) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [protected]
_cmdUnknown(Command &command)co::Dispatcher [protected]
accept(LeafVisitor< V > &visitor)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
accept(LeafVisitor< V > &visitor) const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
activateMode(const Mode mode) (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline, virtual]
addInstanceDatas(const ObjectDataIStreamDeque &, const uint128_t &) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
addSlave(Command &command, NodeMapObjectReplyPacket &reply) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
applyMapData(const uint128_t &version) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
attach(const base::UUID &id, const uint32_t instanceID) (defined in co::Object)co::Object [virtual]
backup() (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [virtual]
changeMode(const Mode mode)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [virtual]
ChangeType enum nameco::Object
chooseCompressor() const co::Object [virtual]
commit(const uint32_t incarnation=CO_COMMIT_NEXT)co::Object
commitChild(C *child, S *sender, const uint32_t incarnation) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline, protected]
commitChild(C *child, const uint32_t incarnation) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline, protected]
commitChildren(const std::vector< C * > &children, S *sender, const uint32_t incarnation) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline, protected]
commitChildren(const std::vector< C * > &children, const uint32_t incarnation) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline, protected]
commitChildren(const std::vector< C * > &children, const uint32_t incarnation) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [protected]
commitNB(const uint32_t incarnation)eq::fabric::Object [virtual]
commitSync(const uint32_t commitID)eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, virtual]
DELTA enum valueco::Object
deserialize(co::DataIStream &is, const uint64_t dirtyBits)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [protected, virtual]
detach() (defined in co::Object)co::Object [virtual]
DIRTY_ALL enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Serializable)eq::fabric::Serializable [protected]
DIRTY_CAPABILITIES enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_CUSTOM enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_ERROR enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_FRUSTUM enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_MAXCAPS enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_MINCAPS enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_MODE enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_NAME enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_NONE enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Serializable)eq::fabric::Serializable [protected]
DIRTY_OBJECT_BITS enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_OBSERVER enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_OVERDRAW enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_REMOVED enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_SERIAL enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_TASKS enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_USERDATA enum value (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object
DIRTY_VIEW_BITS enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DIRTY_VIEWPORT enum value (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
DirtyBits enum nameeq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
dispatchCommand(Command &command)co::Dispatcher [virtual]
Dispatcher() (defined in co::Dispatcher)co::Dispatcher
Dispatcher(const Dispatcher &from) (defined in co::Dispatcher)co::Dispatcher
Func typedef (defined in co::Dispatcher)co::Dispatcher
getAutoObsolete() const co::Object
getCapabilities() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
getChangeType() const eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, protected, virtual]
getCurrentType() const eq::fabric::Frustum [inline]
getDirty() const eq::fabric::Serializable [inline]
getError() const eq::fabric::Object [inline]
getHeadVersion() const co::Object
getID() const co::Object [inline]
getInstanceID() const co::Object [inline]
getLayout()eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline]
getLayout() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline]
getLocalNode()co::Object [inline]
getMasterInstanceID() const (defined in co::Object)co::Object
getMasterNode() (defined in co::Object)co::Object
getMaximumCapabilities() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
getMinimumCapabilities() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
getMode() const (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline]
getName() const eq::fabric::Object
getObserver()eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline]
getObserver() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline]
getOverdraw() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline]
getProjection() const eq::fabric::Frustum [inline]
getRedistributableBits() const (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline, protected, virtual]
getSerial() const (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline]
getTasks() const eq::fabric::Object [inline]
getUserData()eq::fabric::Object [inline]
getUserData() const eq::fabric::Object [inline]
getUserDataLatency() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [protected, virtual]
getVersion() const co::Object
getViewport() const eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
getWall() const eq::fabric::Frustum [inline]
hasMasterUserData()eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline, protected, virtual]
INSTANCE enum valueco::Object
isAttached() const co::Object [inline]
isBuffered() const (defined in co::Object)co::Object
isDirty() const eq::fabric::Object [virtual]
eq::fabric::Serializable::isDirty(const uint64_t dirtyBits) const eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, virtual]
isMaster() const co::Object
Mode enum nameeq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
MODE_MONO enum valueeq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
MODE_STEREO enum valueeq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
NONE enum value (defined in co::Object)co::Object
notifyAttached()eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, protected, virtual]
notifyDetach()eq::fabric::Object [protected, virtual]
notifyNewHeadVersion(const uint128_t &version)co::Object [virtual]
notifyNewVersion()co::Object [inline, virtual]
Object()eq::fabric::Object [protected]
eq::fabric::Serializable::Object(const Object &)co::Object [protected]
operator=(const Object &)co::Object [inline, protected]
co::Dispatcher::operator=(const Dispatcher &)co::Dispatcher [inline]
postRemove(const Object *child) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [protected]
registerCommand(const uint32_t command, const CommandFunc< T > &func, CommandQueue *destinationQueue)co::Dispatcher [protected]
releaseChildren(const std::vector< C * > &children) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline, protected]
removeChild(const co::base::UUID &) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline, protected, virtual]
removeSlave(NodePtr node) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
restore() (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [virtual]
send(NodePtr node, ObjectPacket &packet)co::Object
send(NodePtr node, ObjectPacket &packet, const std::string &string)co::Object
send(NodePtr node, ObjectPacket &packet, const void *data, const uint64_t size)co::Object
sendInstanceData(Nodes &nodes) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
Serializable()eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, protected]
Serializable(const Serializable &)eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, protected]
serialize(co::DataOStream &os, const uint64_t dirtyBits)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [protected, virtual]
setAutoObsolete(const uint32_t count)co::Object
setCapabilities(const uint64_t bitmask) (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
setDirty(const uint64_t bits)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [protected, virtual]
setError(const int32_t error)eq::fabric::Object
setID(const base::UUID &identifier) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
setMasterNode(NodePtr node) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
setMaximumCapabilities(const uint64_t bitmask)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
setMinimumCapabilities(const uint64_t bitmask)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
setName(const std::string &name)eq::fabric::Object
setObserver(O *observer)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
setOverdraw(const Vector2i &pixels)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
setProjection(const Projection &)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [virtual]
setTasks(const uint32_t tasks) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [protected]
setupChangeManager(const Object::ChangeType type, const bool master, LocalNodePtr localNode, const uint32_t masterInstanceID) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
setUserData(co::Object *userData)eq::fabric::Object
setViewport(const Viewport &viewport) (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >
setWall(const Wall &wall)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [virtual]
STATIC enum valueco::Object
sync(const uint128_t &version=VERSION_HEAD)co::Object [virtual]
syncChildren(const std::vector< C * > &children) (defined in eq::fabric::Object)eq::fabric::Object [inline, protected]
transfer(Object *from) (defined in co::Object)co::Object
Type enum nameeq::fabric::Frustum
TYPE_NONE enum valueeq::fabric::Frustum
TYPE_PROJECTION enum valueeq::fabric::Frustum
TYPE_WALL enum valueeq::fabric::Frustum
UNBUFFERED enum valueco::Object
unsetDirty(const uint64_t bits)eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, protected, virtual]
unsetFrustum()eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [virtual]
updateCapabilities() (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [inline, virtual]
View(L *layout) (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [protected]
~Dispatcher() (defined in co::Dispatcher)co::Dispatcher [virtual]
~Frustum()eq::fabric::Frustum [virtual]
~Object()eq::fabric::Object [protected, virtual]
~Serializable()eq::fabric::Serializable [inline, protected, virtual]
~View() (defined in eq::fabric::View< L, V, O >)eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > [protected, virtual]
Generated on Sun May 8 2011 19:11:10 for Equalizer 1.0 by  doxygen 1.7.3