High-performance C++ library for developing object-oriented distributed applications.
This is the complete list of members for co::Object, including all inherited members.
_cmdUnknown(ICommand &command) | co::Dispatcher | protected |
addInstanceDatas(const ObjectDataIStreamDeque &, const uint128_t &) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
applyInstanceData(DataIStream &is)=0 | co::Object | pure virtual |
applyMapData(const uint128_t &version) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
attach(const uint128_t &id, const uint32_t instanceID) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | virtual |
ChangeType enum name | co::Object | |
chooseCompressor() const | co::Object | virtual |
commit(const uint32_t incarnation=CO_COMMIT_NEXT) | co::Object | virtual |
DELTA enum value | co::Object | |
detach() (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | virtual |
dispatchCommand(ICommand &command) | co::Dispatcher | virtual |
Dispatcher() (defined in co::Dispatcher) | co::Dispatcher | protected |
Dispatcher(const Dispatcher &from) (defined in co::Dispatcher) | co::Dispatcher | protected |
Func typedef | co::Dispatcher | |
getAutoObsolete() const | co::Object | |
getChangeType() const | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
getHeadVersion() const | co::Object | |
getID() const | co::Object | |
getInstanceData(DataOStream &os)=0 | co::Object | pure virtual |
getInstanceID() const | co::Object | |
getLocalNode() | co::Object | |
getMasterInstanceID() const (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
getMasterNode() (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
getMaxVersions() const | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
getVersion() const | co::Object | |
INSTANCE enum value | co::Object | |
isAttached() const | co::Object | |
isBuffered() const (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
isDirty() const | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
isMaster() const | co::Object | |
NONE enum value (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
notifyAttach() | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
notifyAttached() | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
notifyDetach() | co::Object | virtual |
notifyDetached() | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
notifyNewHeadVersion(const uint128_t &version) | co::Object | virtual |
notifyNewVersion() | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
Object() | co::Object | protected |
Object(const Object &) | co::Object | protected |
ObjectStore (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | friend |
operator=(const Object &) | co::Object | inlineprotected |
operator=(const Dispatcher &) (defined in co::Dispatcher) | co::Dispatcher | inline |
pack(DataOStream &os) | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
push(const uint128_t &groupID, const uint128_t &objectType, const Nodes &nodes) | co::Object | |
registerCommand(const uint32_t command, const CommandFunc< T > &func, CommandQueue *queue) | co::Dispatcher | |
removeSlave(NodePtr node, const uint32_t instanceID) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
removeSlaves(NodePtr node) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
send(NodePtr node, const uint32_t cmd, const uint32_t instanceID=CO_INSTANCE_ALL) | co::Object | |
sendInstanceData(Nodes &nodes) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
setAutoObsolete(const uint32_t count) | co::Object | |
setID(const uint128_t &identifier) | co::Object | |
setMasterNode(NodePtr node) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
setupChangeManager(const Object::ChangeType type, const bool master, LocalNodePtr localNode, const uint32_t masterInstanceID) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
STATIC enum value | co::Object | |
sync(const uint128_t &version=VERSION_HEAD) | co::Object | virtual |
transfer(Object *from) (defined in co::Object) | co::Object | |
UNBUFFERED enum value | co::Object | |
unpack(DataIStream &is) | co::Object | inlinevirtual |
~Dispatcher() (defined in co::Dispatcher) | co::Dispatcher | protectedvirtual |
~Object() | co::Object | virtual |