Lunchbox  1.13.0
Multi-threaded C++ toolbox library for all application developers creating high-performance multi-threaded programs.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Clunchbox::Atomic< int32_t >
 Clunchbox::FutureImpl< bool >
 Clunchbox::FutureBool< value >A boolean future with a known value
 Clunchbox::FutureImpl< void >
 Clunchbox::ConditionA condition variable and associated lock
 Clunchbox::DSOHelper to access dynamic shared objects (DSO)
 Clunchbox::FutureImpl< T >Base class to implement the wait method fulfilling the future
 Clunchbox::FutureFunction< T >A Future implementation using a boost::function for fulfilment
 Clunchbox::Request< T >::Impl
 Clunchbox::LFQueue< T >A thread-safe, lock-free queue with non-blocking access
 Clunchbox::LockA lock (mutex) primitive
 Clunchbox::Lockable< D, L >A convenience structure to hold data together with a lock for access
 Clunchbox::MemoryMapHelper to map a file to a memory address (mmap)
 Clunchbox::PersistentMapUnified interface to save key-value pairs in a persistent store
 Clunchbox::PerThread< T, D >Implements thread-specific storage for C++ objects
 Clunchbox::PerThreadRef< T >Thread-specific storage for a RefPtr
 Clunchbox::PluginFactory< PluginT, InitDataT >Factory for Plugin classes
 Clunchbox::Pool< T, locked >An object allocation pool
 Clunchbox::RequestHandlerA thread-safe request handler
 Clunchbox::RNGA random number generator
 Clunchbox::SpinLockA fast lock for uncontended memory access
 Clunchbox::TimedLockA mutex with timeout capabilities
 Clunchbox::TLSProvides thread-local storage API used by PerThread and PerThreadRef
 Clunchbox::AnyA class which can hold instances of any type
 Clunchbox::Array< T >A wrapper for C arrays without any memory management
 Clunchbox::Atomic< T >A variable with atomic semantics and standalone atomic operations
 Clunchbox::Buffer< T >A simple memory buffer with some helper functions
 Clunchbox::ClockA class for time measurements
 Clunchbox::Future< T >A future represents a asynchronous operation
 Clunchbox::Request< T >A Future implementation for a RequestHandler request
 Clunchbox::Future< void >Future template specialization for void
 Clunchbox::hashRefPtr< T >A hash function for RefPtr keys
 Clunchbox::hasInitDataT< T >Helper class to statically register derived plugin classes
 Clunchbox::LauncherThe launcher executes a command from a separate process
 Clunchbox::LFVector< T, nSlots >STL-like vector implementation providing certain thread-safety guarantees
 Clunchbox::Monitor< T >A monitor primitive
 Clunchbox::MPIMPI functionality wrapper
 Clunchbox::MTQueue< T, S >A thread-safe queue with a blocking read access
 Clunchbox::MTQueue< T, S >::GroupGroup descriptor for popBarrier()
 Clunchbox::NonCopyableBase class to make objects non-copyable
 Clunchbox::OMPBase class for OpenMP functionality
 Clunchbox::Plugin< PluginT, InitDataT >Manages a class deriving from a PluginT interface
 Clunchbox::PluginRegisterer< Impl, hasInitData >
 Clunchbox::PluginRegisterer< Impl, false >Specialized PluginRegisterer for plugin implementations which don't have the InitDataT definition
 Clunchbox::PluginRegisterer< Impl, true >Specialized PluginRegisterer for implementations which have the InitDataT definition
 Clunchbox::ReferencedBase class for referenced objects
 Clunchbox::FutureImpl< bool >
 Clunchbox::FutureImpl< void >
 Clunchbox::FutureImpl< T >Base class to implement the wait method fulfilling the future
 Clunchbox::RefPtr< T >A smart reference pointer, aka boost::intrusive_ptr
 Clunchbox::ResultA result returns an error code and behaves like a boolean
 Clunchbox::ScopedMutex< L, T >A scoped mutex
 Clunchbox::ThreadUtility class to execute code in a separate execution thread
 Clunchbox::ThreadIDAn utility class to wrap OS-specific thread identifiers
 Clunchbox::UnorderedIntervalSet< T >A container to store intervals of elements efficently
 Clunchbox::VersionInformation about the current Lunchbox version
 Clunchbox::RefPtr< FutureImpl< T > >
 Clunchbox::RefPtr< FutureImpl< void > >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::bad_castSTL class
 Clunchbox::bad_any_castA specialization for exceptions thrown by an unsuccessful any_cast
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 Clunchbox::PtrHash< K, T >A hash for pointer keys
 Clunchbox::RefPtrHash< K, T >A hash for RefPtr keys
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::basic_ios< Char >STL class
 Cstd::basic_ostream< Char >STL class
 Cstd::ostreamSTL class
 Clunchbox::LogThe logging class
 Clunchbox::IndexIterator< LFVectorIterator< V, T >, V, T >
 Clunchbox::LFVectorIterator< V, T >An iterator for LFVector
 Clunchbox::IndexIterator< S, C, T >Counter-based, as opposed to pointer-based, iterator for any container
 Chash_map< K, T, H, P, A >
 Chash_set< T, H, P, A >