High-performance C++ library for developing object-oriented distributed applications.
api.h | Defines export visibility macros for library Collage |
barrier.h | |
buffer.h | |
bufferConnection.h | |
bufferListener.h | |
co.h | |
commandFunc.h | |
commandQueue.h | |
commands.h | |
connection.h | |
connectionDescription.h | |
connectionSet.h | |
connectionType.h | |
customICommand.h | |
customOCommand.h | |
dataIStream.h | |
dataIStream.ipp | |
dataOStream.h | |
dataOStream.ipp | |
defines.h | Includes compile-time defines of Collage |
definesLinux.h | |
dispatcher.h | |
distributable.h | |
exception.h | |
features.h | |
global.h | |
iCommand.h | |
init.h | |
localNode.h | |
log.h | |
node.h | |
nodeType.h | |
object.h | |
objectFactory.h | |
objectHandler.h | |
objectICommand.h | |
objectMap.h | |
objectOCommand.h | |
objectVersion.h | |
oCommand.h | |
queueItem.h | |
queueMaster.h | |
queueSlave.h | |
sendToken.h | |
serializable.h | |
types.h | |
version.h | Defines version macros and class for library Collage |
worker.h | |
worker.ipp | |
zeroconf.h |