Pression  1.2.0
Compressor, decompressor, uploader and downloader plugins
Restriping the output of a compressor for storage

This document specifies the transformation of the output of a data compressor into a smaller set of larger output slices. The primary use case is as a backend of the memcached keyv::Map, which has a maximum value size of one megabyte.


The new compression plugin API: C++ Plugin API for CPU compressors

For an input of:

  • data::CompressorInfo
  • uncompressed data
  • max output slice size

The slicer produces:

  • n output slices of size <= max output slice size
  • Output of uncompressed data if data is uncompressible with zero-copy during compression and decompression

For an input of n output slices (see above), the slicer produces the uncompressed data


namespace pression
namespace data
class Slicer
    struct Result { uint8_t* data; uint32_t size; };
    typedef std::vector< Result > Results; //!< Set of result slices
    typedef std::vector< uint32_t > ResultSizes; //!< Remaining slice sizes

    Slicer( const CompressorInfo& compressor );

    // returned pointers are valid until next compress(), delete of
    // input data, or dtor of Slicer called
    Results&& compress( const uint8_t* data, size_t size,
                        uint32_t sliceSize );

    // input: first slice, output: remaining slice sizes
    ResultSizes&& getRemainingSizes( const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size );

    // input: first slice, output: total decompressed data size
    size_t getDecompressedSize( const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size );

    /**        void decompress( const Results& input, uint8_t* data );


compress() allocates a compressor and compresses the input data. Output is uncompressible if pression::getDataSize() exceeds input size minus header overhead

Uncompressibly output is returned as:

  • one zero-copy slice if size <= sliceSize
  • or:
    • one header slice: 16 byte magic 'uncompressed', 8 byte input size, 4 byte slice size
    • n zero-copy output slices of sliceSize, pointing to input data memory

Compressibly output is returned as:

  • one header slice: 16 byte magic 'compressed', 16 byte compressor name hash, 8 byte input size, 4 byte nChunks, nChunks * 4 byte chunkSizes
  • nSlices: complete, compressed chunks up to sliceSize

First implementation throws if header size exceeds sliceSize for compressed output and if a chunk is bigger than a slice.


void Keyv::memcached::Plugin::insert( const std::string& key,
                                      const void* ptr, const size_t size )
    const auto data = _slicer.compress( ptr, size, LB_1MB );
    const std::string& hash = servus::make_uint128( key ).getString();

    for( const auto& slice : data )
        memcached_set( _instance, hash.c_str(), hash.length(),
             , slice.size, (time_t)0, (uint32_t)0 );

std::string Keyv::memcached::Plugin::operator [] ( const std::string& key )
    const std::string& hash = servus::make_uint128( key ).getString();
    pression::data::Slicer::Results slices( 1 );
    slices[0].data = memcached_get( _instance, hash.c_str(), hash.length(),
                                    &slices[0].size );

    const auto remaining = _slicer.getRemainingSizes( slice[0].data,
                                                     slice[0].size );
    slices.append( takeValues( hash, remaining ));

    std::string value( _slicer.getDecompressedSize( slice[0].data,
                                                   slice[0].size ));
    _slicer.decompress( slices,, value.length( ));
    return value;


Issue 1: What is the maximum allowed slice size?

Resolution: 4GB

It is unlikely that a storage system uses larger slices. Memcached has a recommended limit of one megabyte.