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Equalizer 1.0 accelerates 3D applications

Neuchatel, Switzerland - May 8, 2011 - Eyescale is pleased to announce the release of Equalizer 1.0 and Collage 0.3.

Equalizer is the standard framework to create and deploy parallel, scalable 3D applications. Collage is the cluster backend for Equalizer and a standalone, cross-platform C++ library for building heterogenous, distributed applications. Both development toolkits are available for free for commercial and non-commercial use under the LGPL open source license.

This release culminates over 6 years of development and decades of experience into a feature-rich, high-performance and mature parallel rendering framework and an object-oriented, high-level network library. Equalizer and Collage are widely used by research laboratories, industrial applications and by enthusiast all over the world.

Equalizer enables software developers to easily build interactive and scalable visualization applications, which optimally combine multiple graphics cards, processors and computers to scale the rendering performance, visual quality and display size.

Equalizer Applications

Eyescale provides software consulting and development services for parallel 3D visualization software and GPU computing applications, possible based on the Equalizer parallel rendering framework and Collage network library.

Please check the release notes on the Equalizer website for a comprehensive list of new features, enhancements, optimizations and bug fixes. A paperback book of the Programming and User Guide is available from Lulu.com.

We would like to thank all individuals and parties who have contributed to the development of Equalizer 1.0.

Left image copyright Realtime Technology AG, 2008. Right image courtesy University of Siegen, 2008.