18 #ifndef EQ_AGL_MESSAGEPUMP_H 19 #define EQ_AGL_MESSAGEPUMP_H 24 #include <eq/agl/types.h> 25 #include <eq/messagePump.h> 26 #include <lunchbox/clock.h> 39 virtual ~MessagePump();
41 void postWakeup() final;
42 void dispatchAll() final;
43 void dispatchOne(const uint32_t timeout = LB_TIMEOUT_INDEFINITE) final;
46 EventQueueRef _receiverQueue;
47 EventRef _wakeupEvent;
48 lunchbox::Clock _clock;
54 void _initReceiverQueue();
59 #endif // EQ_AGL_MESSAGEPUMP_H An interface to process system messages or events.
Includes compile-time defines of Equalizer.
The Equalizer client library.