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Scalability: Multi-View

Multi-View rendering provides more display size and resolution by using multiple screens or projectors, GPU's and potentially computers. An Equalizer application runs optimally in this environment, each GPU has it's own local render thread for optimal performance.

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Multi-View Rendering

Multi-view rendering has a wide range of use cases: planar and curved projector and display walls, immersive environments using stereo rendering, head-mounted displays or simply multi-GPU, multi-monitor workstations.

Planar multi-view rendering is the elementary use case, and as such supported by a number of other middleware solutions. Most of these solutions provide an application-transparent approach by intercepting and distributing the OpenGL command stream. This approach has inherent performance and compatibility issues, in particular with advanced OpenGL features and non-planar projection systems.

Equalizer applications parallelize the rendering, each GPU has its own local rendering thread. This parallel execution and per-segment view frustum culling results in much better performance and compatibility compared to transparent approaches.

Equalizer schedules the rendering resources asynchronously. This asynchronous execution decouples and pipelines the render threads and the application thread, e.g., hiding network transfers for data updates.