High-performance C++ library for developing object-oriented distributed applications.
co | Object-oriented network library |
Barrier | A networked, versioned barrier |
Buffer | A receive buffer for a Connection |
BufferConnection | A proxy connection buffering outgoing data into a memory buffer |
BufferListener | A listener interface to buffer state changes |
CommandFunc | A wrapper to register a function callback on an object instance |
CommandQueue | A thread-safe, blocking queue for ICommand buffers |
Connection | An interface definition for communication between hosts |
ConnectionDescription | Describes Connection parameters |
ConnectionSet | Handles events on a set of connections |
CustomICommand | An input command specialization for custom commands |
CustomOCommand | A class for sending custom commands and data to nodes |
DataIStream | A std::istream-like input data stream for binary data |
DataIStreamArchive | A boost.serialization input archive reading from a co::DataIStream |
use_array_optimization | |
apply | |
DataOStream | A std::ostream-like interface for object serialization |
DataOStreamArchive | A boost.serialization output archive writing to a co::DataOStream |
use_array_optimization | |
apply | |
DataStreamArchiveException | Exception thrown when serialization cannot proceed |
Dispatcher | A class providing command dispatch functionality to networked objects |
Exception | A base Exception class for Collage operations |
Global | Global parameter handling for the Collage library |
ICommand | A class managing received commands |
LocalNode | Node specialization for a local node |
Node | Proxy node representing a remote LocalNode |
Object | A distributed object |
ObjectFactory | The interface to create objects, used by ObjectMap |
ObjectHandler | Interface for entities which map and register objects |
ObjectICommand | An input command specialization for objects |
ObjectMap | A distributed object registry |
ObjectOCommand | A class for sending commands and data to local & external objects |
ObjectVersion | A helper struct bundling an object identifier and version |
OCommand | A class for sending commands with data to local and external nodes |
QueueItem | The item of the distributed queue holding the data |
QueueMaster | The producer end of a distributed queue |
QueueSlave | The consumer end of a distributed queue |
SendToken | |
Serializable | Base class for distributed, inheritable objects |
WorkerThread | A worker thread processing items out of a CommandQueue |
Version | Information about the current Collage version |
Zeroconf | A zeroconf communicator |
hash< co::ObjectVersion > | ObjectVersion hash function |