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Administrative API

Author: Stefan Eilemann
State: Usable subset implemented in 1.0-alpha


The administrative API provides access to a running eqServer for the purpose of monitoring and modifying its configuration.



The admin API resides in its own namespace. An admin application connects to a server, which will map a slave instance of the eq::server::Server and all its children into the admin's process (as an eq::admin::Server). The admin application can sync this copy whenever it deems it necessary, modify its copy and commit the modification. The server will apply the change and activate when possible, i.e., before the beginning of a new frame for a running config. A sample update sequence can be found here. The modification of data on a mapped object is detailed in Slave Object Commit.

Namespace Layering

The current implementation (0.9.1) does not use co::Object data distribution between the server and the client. It uses custom command packets to communicate the few allowed modifications.

New eq::admin namespace layering
New eq::admin namespace layering

With the admin interface, there are new two implementations mapping a view of the server resource hierarchy. Potentially all data will be modifyable. To accomodate this change, a new eq::fabric namespace will provide resource synchronization for the eq::server, eq::admin and eq implementations. This means that the inheritance for resources is increased (e.g. eq::Windoweq::fabric::Windoweq::fabric::Objectco::Object). Furthermore, the data synchronization between the server, client and admin interfaces will be unified by this namesapace. The server will retain the master instance of the data.

This requires moving the eq::Object into the eq::fabric namespace, using this class as a base class for all Equalizer resource entities (Server...Channel) and implementing the proper serializers. Furthermore, the server has to override the deserialization and to apply the corresponding tasks upon data modifications.

Slave Object Commit

Modifying an co::Object from a slave instance
Modifying an co::Object from a slave instance

Committing data on a slave instance was not implemented in Equalizer 0.9.1. Since Equalizer does not know about the application data contained in the serialization streams, there are two options to implement this feature:

  1. Use a synchronization protocol to ensure no two modifications on the same object happen simultaneously on two instances.
  2. The application has to either ensure the above or be able to resolve eventual conflicts when synchronizing data.

Using the second approach, the following sequence provides a light-weight implementation for slave object writes:

Note that the slave which modified an object will eventually receive its own modification, and it has to be able to apply this delta. Furthermore, an application using slave writes has either to avoid or to handle the following situations:


  namespace eq { namespace admin { TBD }}

File Format



  1. Implement slave object writes
  2. Implement eq::fabric serialization
  3. Use and test 1 and 2 for client and server library
  4. Specify and implement currently needed subset for admin API


Run-time Window Creation

namespace eq{ namespace admin{

ServerPtr server = new Server;
client->connectServer( server ); // clones full server config


Pipe* pipe = findPipe( server );

Window* window = new Window( pipe );
window->setIAttribute( ... );

Channel* channel = new Channel( window );
channel->setViewport( ... );

Layout* layout = new Layout( config );
View view = new View( layout );
view->setViewport( ... );

Canvas* canvas = new Canvas( config );
canvas->addLayout( 0 );
canvas->addLayout( layout );
canvas->useLayout( 1 );

Segment* segment = new Segment( canvas );
segment->setViewport( ... );
segment->setWall( ... );
segment->setChannel( channel );

server->sync(); // applies accepted changes


-> activated on next eq:Config::startFrame, configInit is called on window
-> compounds will be created automatically, no scalability

Automatic Resource Discovery

namespace eq { namespace admin {

Config* config = new Config;
Node* node = new Node( config );

for( each GPU in system )
    Pipe* pipe = new Pipe( node );
    pipe->setDevice( i );

// begin PowerWall nodes

for( each display attached ) // parsed from local config file
    Window* window = new Window( pipe );
    Channel* channel = new Channel( window );
    channel->setViewport( ... );

    Canvas* canvas = new Canvas( config );
    Segment* segment( canvas );
    segment->setViewport( ... );
    segment->setWall( ... );
    segment->setChannel( channel );

// end PowerWall nodes

announce( config );
revoke( config );

Adding nodes to a scalability config

namespace eq { namespace admin {


Compounds are not part of the admin API.


1. How is automatic resource discovery implemented?


The example code above outlines one scenario: A daemon on each node builds a local configuration, which then is announced to the local subnet. Unclear is the exact API for this.

2. How is the applied (vs. commited) change communicated to the requestor?


The server might decide not to apply all changes an admin client has commited, e.g., if a modified entity was removed in the meantime.

3. How are delays handled if a modification requires expensive initialization on a render client, e.g., caused by mapping the scene data required on the node? Who handles this?


The startup has to happen asynchronously to a running config, and the new resources are activately used after they have been initialized.