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Region of Interest

Author: eilemann@gmail.com
State: Implemented in 1.4 beta


The region of interest (ROI) is the screen-space area covered by the channel during rendering. The application can declare this area, which is then used by Equalizer to optimize parts of the rendering pipeline.

In the current implementation Equalizer optimizes compositing operations by limiting the framebuffer area to be read, transferred and written.


The Channel::frameDraw and frameAssemble operations declare the region of interest updated during their execution. The ROI is a fractional viewport with respect to the channel viewport. The default ROI is the full, i.e., [ 0 0 1 1 ]. The ROI is retained over all operations of a frame. Multiple declared regions are handled by handling the union of all declarations.


  void Channel::resetRegions();
  void Channel::declareRegion( const Viewport& roi );
  void Channel::declareRegion( const PixelViewport& roi );
  const Viewport& Channel::getRegion() const;
  const Viewports& Channel::getRegions() const;