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View Management

Author: eilemann@gmail.com


The purpose of the management layer is to provide a programming interface and file format for describing the visible content of an application, i.e., what are my projection surfaces, which data is visible in which part of the projection surface and how are the views updated.

View Entities
Relationship of View Entities

A typical system setup consists of one or more projection canvases. Desktop windows are considered a projection canvas in this context.

Each canvas is made of one or more segments. Segments can be planar or non-planar to each other, and can overlap or have gaps between each other. A segment is referencing a channel, which defines the output area of this segment, e.g., on a DVI connector connected to a projector.

A canvas can define a frustum, which will create default, planar sub-frusta for its segments. A segment can also define a frustum, which overrides the canvas frustum, e.g., for non-planar setups (CAVE, curved screen). These frusta typically describe a physically-correct display setup for Virtual Reality installations.

On each canvas, the application can display one or more views. A view is a view on a model, in the sense used by the MVC pattern. It can be a scene, viewing mode, viewing position, or any other representation of the application's data.

A layout groups one or more views which logically belong together. A layout is applied to a canvas. If no layout is applied to a canvas, nothing is rendered on this canvas, i.e, the canvas is inactive. The layout assignment can be changed at run-time by the application. The intersection between views and segments defines which output (sub-)channels are available. These output channels are typically used as destination channels in a compound. They are automatically created during configuration loading or creation.

The Canvas has a list of allowed layouts, to restrict the set of possible destination channels and to allow the restiction of layouts to certain canvases. One of the allowed layouts can be 0 (OFF in the file format) to deactivate the canvas. The first specified layout on a canvas is the default layout.

Each view can have a frustum description. The view's frustum overrides frusta specified at the canvas or segment level. This is typically used for non-physically correct rendering, e.g., to compare two models side-by-side. If the view does not specify a frustum, the corresponding destination channels will use the sub-frustum resulting from the view/segment intersection.

A configuration file has to specify compounds (rendering instructions) for all destination channels. The currently used (active) layouts on the canvas(es) define which compounds are active, that is, for which compound channels rendering tasks are generated.

Switching a layout at run-time will cause the deletion, creation, exit and initialization of channels, and potentially windows...nodes on the affected render clients.

An observer looks at one or more views. It is described by the observer position in the world and its eye separation. Each observer will have its own stereo mode, focus distance and frame loop (framerate).

File Format

Referencing channels

Traditionally, channels are referenced by name. This API requires channels to be used by compounds which not in the config file, but created by the view/segment combinations. Since the name is an arbitrary, application-specified field, it can't be used for channel references.

Channels can be referenced by name, position or view and segment. The full grammar for referencing is:

  channel-ref: 'string' | '(' channel-segment-ref ')' | '(' channel-node-ref ')'

  channel-segment-ref: ( canvas-ref ) segment-ref ( layout-ref ) view-ref
  canvas-ref:  'string' | 'index'
  segment-ref: 'string' | 'index'
  layout-ref:  'string' | 'index'
  view-ref:    'string' | 'index'

  channel-node-ref: ( window-ref ) 'index'
  window-ref: ( pipe-ref ) 'string' | 'index'
  pipe-ref: ( node-ref ) 'string' | 'index'
  node-ref: 'string' | 'index'

Referencing using the entities by index might be implemented later.

    node { pipe { window { channel { ...output and source channels... }}}}

        name    "observer1"
        eyeBase float

    layout  # 1...n times
        name "layout1"
        view  # 1...n times
            name     "view1"
            viewport [ x y w h ]
            wall/projection {...}
            observer "observer1"

    canvas  # 1...n times
        name   "display_wall"
        layout OFF | "layout1" | int  # 1...n times, allowed layouts for canvas

        wall/projection {...}
        segment # 1...n times
            channel  "output-channel"
            name     "segment1"
            viewport [ x y w h ]
            wall/projection {...}

        channel ( canvas "display_wall" segment 0 view "view1" )
    compound  # inactive (incl. all children)
        channel ( canvas "display_wall" segment 0 layout 1 view 0 )


     class Config
         const ObserverVector& getObservers() const;
         const LayoutVector& getLayouts() const;
         const CanvasVector& getCanvases() const;

     class Observer
         void setEyeBase( const float eyeBase );
         float getEyeBase() const;
         void setHeadMatrix( const vmml::Matrix4f& matrix );
         const vmml::Matrix4f& getHeadMatrix() const;

     class Layout
         const std::string& getName() const;
         const ViewVector& getViews() const;
         const CanvasVector& getCanvases() const;

     class View
         const std::string& getName() const;
         const eq::Viewport& getViewport() const;
         const Layout& getLayout() const;

         void setWall( const Wall& wall );
         const Wall& getWall() const;
         void setProjection( const Projection& projection );
         const Projection& getProjection() const;
         View::Type getLatestView() const;

     class Canvas
         const std::string& getName() const;

         void useLayout( const Layout* layout );
         const Layout* getActiveLayout() const;
         const LayoutVector& getLayouts() const;

     class Channel
         const View& getView() const; // valid only in frameFoo()



One canvas, layout and view are used for each group of compounds. A group of compounds is defined by all the siblings that have a destination channel. Each sibling uses one segment. The frustum and viewport of each segment is given by the sibling. The frustum of the view is set to the frustum of the compound, if it is the root compound. The compound channels are exchanged with the newly created destination channels.

There are three different types of legacy configs: standalone (root compound has channel and frustum), planar wall (root compound has no channel but frustum) and non-planar projection (root compound has neither channel nor frustum).

By the above specification, for a standalone config one canvas, segment, layout and view is created. The frustum is set on the view and will therefore track aspect ratio (window resize) updates. A planar wall will create one canvas with n segments, one layout and view. The frustum is set on the canvas, and inherited by the segments using the segment viewport. A non-planar configuration is handled similarly, except that each frustum and viewport is specified by the sibling compound. Planar and non-planar configurations define the frustum on the canvas or segment, which will cause aspect ratio changes not to be tracked, since they configure immutable physical installations.


The loader will create one default observer and assign it to all views for legacy configurations with no observer. Config::setHeadMatrix will be deprecated and will set the head matrix on all observers. Config::getHeadMatrix will return the head matrix of the first observer.


View/Segment Intersection

Layouts have to be specified before canvases. Setting a canvas on a config will generate destination channels for all existing layouts:

Config::addCanvas( canvas )
    for each layout
        for each view of layout
            for each segment of canvas
                if segment intersects view
                    create copy of segment channel
                    set viewport to sub-viewport of segment channel
                    decrement channel activation count [inactivates channel]
                    set view on channel, add channel to view
                    set segment on channel

Config Initialization

All resouce entities are by default activated, that is, they are created with activation count of 1. When a resource is used as a destination channel of a view/segment intersection, it's activation count is decreased, that is, it isi deactivated. Using a layout (re-)activates the entities used in by this layout.

    modify Compound::accept
       Don't traverse compounds with inactive channels if activeOnly is set

    for each canvas
        if canvas uses layout
            for each segment
                for each channel using segment and layout
                    increase channel, window, pipe, node activation count
     -> use ConfigVisitor!

  Existing init:
    for each root compound
        init compound
            for each compound in tree
                reference channel (reference window, pipe, node)
                update (init) inherit data

   for each node, pipe, window, channel
       if entity is referenced [new: and activated]
           send entity's config init task

Frustum Calculation

The frustum priority is View, Segment, Canvas, i.e., a frustum defined on a view overrides segment frustum definitions, which in turn override canvas segment definitions.

View frusta define projections which are by definition independent of the physical projection system. Layouts with frusta are typically not used for immersive installations.

Segment and canvas frusta define the characteristics of a physical projection system. They are given by the real-world setup, and are therefore immutable resource descriptions which cannot be changed by the application at run-time.

      if segment has no frustum and canvas has frustum
          set segment frustum = canvas frustum X segment viewport

  in CanvasInitVisitor
      for each channel using segment and layout
      find compounds where channel is a destination channel
          if segment has frustum
             set compound frustum = segment frustum X channel/segment coverage

  after CanvasInitVisitor
      for each view
          for each channel of view (set in intersection)
              for each compound using channel as destination channel
                  set compound frustum = view frustum X channel/view coverage

Channel Activation

Channels are activated when the layout of a canvas changes. Inactive channels are not traversed during frame update.

    for each segment
        for each channel using segment and new layout
            for each channel
                increase channel, window, pipe, node activation count
                create and init entities which got activated
        for each channel using segment and old layout
            for each channel
                decrease channel, window, pipe, node activation count
                exit and release entities with 0 activation count

Frustum Updates

Frusta can only be changed through the view class. Setting a frustum on a View overrides existing canvas or segment frusta, bypassing physical descriptions of the display setup:

    for each channel of view (set in intersection)
        for each compound using channel as destination channel
            compute and set sub-frustum on compound
    for each channel of view (set in intersection)
        for each compound using channel as destination channel
            compute sub-frustum from segment and set on compound

The same calculations are to be done on Compound::init for all compounds.

Everything Else

Remove 0.6 screen interface (replaced by View::getViewport).


1. Do we need to create canvases and layouts for backward-compatibility?

The fixed aspect ratio support modifies the wall/projection of an 0.6-style view. In the new API this would be done through modification of the view frustum - which would get the current frustum from where? Resolved: The loader creates views and segments by analyzing the configuration.

2. Are Views intended to be subclassed?

Yes (0.9): Subclassing allows to attach application-specific data to a view, e.g., a model. eqPly will provide an example implementation of co::Object data distribution. Open Issue: The server receives the application's view data on deserialization, but ignores it.

No (0.9.2): The server has to maintain the master instance of a view. It can not deserialize application-specific data, since it does not run application code. Therefore a UserData object can be attached to a view, of which the application maintains the master version.

3. Are hierarchical layouts needed?

Seems that app can implement hierarchical layout and flatten it for Equalizer?

4. How are observers handled for legacy configurations?

The config is the one and only observer in 0.6. For legacy configurations, which have no observer, the loader will create one default observer and assign it to all views. Config::setHeadMatrix will be deprecated and will set the head matrix on all observers. Config::getHeadMatrix will return the head matrix of the first observer.


Observer interface will be extended later to support independent frame loops and stereo mode.

When one layout is applied to multiple canvases, and the views of the layout use frusta, the frusta might have the wrong aspect ratio on one of the canvases. Can be solved by adding the capability of specifying frusta aspect-ratio-aware, or by copying the layout for each canvas.

Equalizer 0.6 Implementation


The purpose of this API is to give read and write access to the views of a configuration. A view is one coherent image seen by the user of an Equalizer application. Most commonly changed views are windowed views, i.e., views not belonging to a projection system.

A configuration has one or more views. A view is determined by the frustum (wall or projection description), eye separation and stereo mode (on/off). A view is uniquely assigned to one compound and possibly one destination channel.

The config's view vector is immutable. Each view is mutable, and changes take effect for the next frame. Changing a view makes only sense for views which are not linked to a physical projection system, typically views of appNode channels.


Create new eq::View class. Use this in compound for the wall, projection and eye base. Move eye computations to view. View is only valid if either wall or projection was set. The eye base is inherited from parents or config, and set in valid views during Compound::init.

The eye positions are updated when the head matrix changes or the view is sync'ed to a new version.

A view is a distributed object registered by the application node, which will modify the data at run-time. Views track their dirty status and are committed at the beginning of each frame. The view data has to be send to the appNode during config creation by the server.

Field-of-View Updates

Currently, the wall or projection is updated by the server when a destination channel is resized. This update should be done by the application, since it is owning the view now.

  Window::processEvent receives WINDOW_RESIZE event
  window PVP is set
  channel PVP's are updated, channel RESIZE event is send

  Channel::processEvent receives CHANNEL_RESIZE event
  transforms event into VIEW_RESIZE event, containing view id
  sends event to config

  Config::processEvent receives VIEW_RESIZE event
  if base view is unknown
      create and save new base view (using view data and size)
      update view using base view and new channel pvp

Compound FOV update hint does no longer exist.

Origin for 2D Operations

Often 3D applications perform additional 2D drawing, for example a HUD, statistics or a GUI. These operations are to be performed not per view, but on the logical view, i.e., the whole projection area. Often even non-planar projection systems, e.g., a curved screen, are considered as one 'flat' 2D view in this context.

The origin is an arbitrary (for 3D rendering) offset of the channel with respect to the virtual 2D origin. Multiple channels may 'overlap' one another, e.g., they might have the same origin in the case of a configuration with two powerwalls. Each channel can query the absolute origin in pixels.

The total size of the virtual 2D space is needed for some 2D operations. One configuration might have multiple 2D areas (screens), e.g., a display wall driven from a master (application) node. The size of a screen is automatically determined by Equalizer.

The origin is configured using the origin parameter of a compound. The origin is the absolute position with respect to the 2D origin.

A planar wall can be configured by using a wall description for the entire wall and viewports for each destination channel (segment). In this case, the origin can be computed automatically from the channel's pixel viewport and the compound's inherit viewport. A configuration might overwrite this value using the origin parameter, if the 2D coordinate system is not consistent with the planar wall coordinates.

Although the origin is a view parameter, stored in eq::server::View, it is not yet part of the eq::View. The main reason is that there is currently no use case for setting or getting the view's origin, thus it is left out until a use case is presented.


  const ViewVector& Config::getViews();
  const View*       Channel::getView() const;
  class View : public net::Object
      void setWall( const Wall& wall );
      const Wall& getWall() const;
      // same for Projection

      void setEyeBase( const float eyeBase );
      float getEyeBase() const;

  const vmml::Vector2i& Channel::getScreenOrigin() const;
  vmml::Vector2i        Channel::getScreenSize() const;
  void                  Channel::applyScreenFrustum() const;

File Format

Additional file format:

          eye_base   float   // inherit from config
          screen     [ ID xOffset yOffset ] // absolute, default 1 AUTO AUTO

Open Issues

The eye base and head matrix describe the observer and belong together. One observer is using multiple views. API needs cleanup to model this correctly. Stereo mode not implemented. Might belong to view, observer/user, config or compound.

Identification of views, i.e., which view do I want to modify and which not?

Per-view head matrix? How to group multiple views with a single head matrix (i.e. Cave)?

Camera assignment? App wants to use multiple cameras. Each camera is 'attached' to one or more views. Solution could be to allow sub-classing of eq::View, which is problematic since the server has a non-subclassed slave instance. Another solution is to have an ObjectVersion (aka userdata) per view. Problem of view identication (which camera for which view) remains.