Eyescale Software Directory
Eyescale Software Website
Old www.equalizergraphics.com Website
Collage 1.7
High-performance C++ library for developing object-oriented distributed applications.
Updated 09/01/18
LGPL License
Maintained by Stefan Eilemann (eile@eyescale.ch)

Equalizer 2.1
Parallel Rendering Framework
Updated 16/12/17
LGPL;BSD License
Maintained by Stefan Eilemann (eile@eyescale.ch)

GLStats 0.3
Updated 10/02/17
LGPL License

Lunchbox 1.17
Multi-threaded C++ toolbox library for all application developers creating high-performance multi-threaded programs.
Updated 03/10/18
LGPL License
Maintained by Stefan Eilemann (eile@eyescale.ch)

Pression 1.2
Compressor, decompressor, uploader and downloader plugins
Updated 06/12/16
LGPL License
Maintained by Stefan Eilemann (eile@eyescale.ch)

hwsd 2.0
Local and remote ZeroConf service discovery for hardware resources
Updated 11/03/17
LGPL License
Maintained by Stefan Eilemann (eile@eyescale.ch)

vmmlib 1.13
Templatized C++ vector and matrix math library
Updated 05/06/18
BSD License
Maintained by Stefan Eilemann (eile@eyescale.ch)