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Compound Frames

Author: eilemann@gmail.com
State: Partly implemented

Table of Contents


Frames are used by compounds during the recomposition phase. This document discusses the implementation details of this part of the compound spec.


UML diagram of compound frames

Frames can be input frames or output frames. Output frames produce the data consumed by input frames. The common link between the output and input frames is the frame data. The frame data holds the data, which is organized into a set of images. Each image represents a 2D array of pixels, for each (OpenGL) framebuffer attachment - color, depth and stencil. The default implementation uses one image per frame data. The application can implement a custom readback producing multiple images per type, in order to further minimize the amount of pixel data.

A frame has a buffer format, which defines the components of the framebuffer to be read back (output frame) or assembled (input frames). It has a viewport, which defines the fractional portion of the channel has to be read back (output) or which fractional portion of the corresponding output frame (input frames) has to be assembled.


Frames are used in the following way:

The following features must be implementable:


The implementation should execute as follows:

    [readback callback]
    foreach frame
        start readback of image[s]
    foreach frame
        sync readback of image[s]
    foreach image of frame
        send image to all 'input' nodes
          Note: multiple consumers on a node should receive only one update
    foreach frame
        send frame ready to all 'input' nodes

    [assemble callback]
    (background receiving in recv thread)
    foreach frame
        sync frame ready .OR. select ready frame from frame list
        start draw frame
    foreach frame
        sync draw frame (omit or defer until frame is reused?)

Use monitor to determine readyness of frame data.

Q: scope of frames and images when using multiple pipes per node.
A: SCOPE_THREAD for frames to reference correct frame data for each thread. SCOPE_NODE for frame data, with merged data of all input frames on node. Images are not distributed objects. They are managed directly by the framedata and the data is distributed using command packets.

Q: latency
A: New frame data for each config frame (and recycle once obsolete)

Images have to be pushed by the output node for optimal performance. The subscriber model of versioned objects does not work for this purpose, since the frame input and output relations may change every frame, due to load balancing, DPlex phase or other per-frame compound changes. Furthermore, the number of images per frame can vary.

On the server:

        prepare output frames (1st tree traversal)
           release old frame datas based on frame number
           recycle new frame data
           set frame data (output frame data)
           commit frame data (new version)
           set frame data (frame data id and version, 
                           viewport, buffers, eye, ...)
           commit frame
        prepare input frames (2nd tree traversal)     
           set current data (viewport, buffers, eye, ...)
           set frame data id and version from output frame
           commit frame

    Compound::updateChannel (per-channel task generation)
        foreach output frame
            if applicable (filter: buffers, vp, eye)
                add to output frame list
        if output frame list not empty
            send readback task w/ output frame list
                [ output frame id and version ]
                  -> holds frame data id and version -> holds frame number
        foreach frame in output frame list
            foreach input frame of output frame
                if applicable (filter: buffers, vp, eye)
                filter duplicate nodes
                    send transmit task
                        [ output frame id and version, attrs ]
        foreach input frame
            if applicable (filter: buffers, vp, eye, already send to node)
                add to assemble task frames
                    [ input frame id and version ]
                      -> holds frame data id and version -> holds frame number
        if assemble task frame list not empty
            send assemble task containing frame list
On the "output" node:
    readback task:
        start readback

    transmit task:
        send by the output frame's FrameData:
            foreach matching image
                sync readback
                transmit image packet [ frame data version, type, vp, data ]
            transmit frame data ready [ frame number ]
On the "input" node:
    assemble task
        foreach input frame
            sync to frame version
        call assemble()
            sync frame[s]
                wait for frame data images to reach version
            assemble frame[s]
    [recv thread]
        receive input image
            if version of images older than received image
                release images
                set version of images to received version
            save image into recycled Image object
        receive ready
            set image ready version


Incomplete pseudocode of the API, look at the implementation for full details. A object of a given type has a different implementation on the server-side and client-side which share the same distributed data.

    class Frame
        uint32_t frameDataID;
        uint32_t frameDataVersion;
    class FrameData
        void addImage( Image::Type type, Image* image );
        // corresponding getters

        uint32_t          _versionImages;
        eq::base::Monitor _versionReady;

    class Image
        enum Type
        void startReadback( buffers, type, x, y, w, h );
        void syncReadback();

Open Issues

Send optimisation for partial input frames, select ready frames from list for early assembly,


Only full images are sent to the nodes. If the input frame specifies a non-full viewport (which is relative to the output frame), the amount of data send will not be optimized at the moment. The same applies to the other attributes (buffers, eye, etc.).

File Format

See compound file format spec.