34 #include "vertexBufferDist.h"
35 #include "vertexBufferRoot.h"
38 # define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923
47 typedef VertexBufferDist ModelDist;
49 typedef std::vector< Model* > Models;
50 typedef std::vector< ModelDist* > ModelDists;
52 typedef Models::const_iterator ModelsCIter;
53 typedef ModelDists::const_iterator ModelDistsCIter;
66 static const std::string&
94 { byteswap( reinterpret_cast< uint32_t& >( value )); }
User-defined log topics (65536)
virtual void clientLoop()
Render using the colors defined in the ply file.
Render in solid white (mostly for anaglyph stereo)
The client represents a network node of the application in the cluster.
int run()
Run an eqPly instance.
Manages the argument parsing and non-distributed part of the initialization data. ...
The EqPly application instance.
static const std::string & getHelp()
Use a unique color to demonstrate decomposition.