Equalizer  1.13.0
Parallel Rendering Framework
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NeqThe Equalizer client library
 NfabricThe Equalizer data synchronization fabric
 NglxThe system abstraction layer for X11 and glX
 NqtThe system abstraction layer for Qt
 NutilEqualizer utility classes
 NwglThe system abstraction layer for Windows OpenGL
 Nx11An abstraction layer for CPU-based rendering using X11
 CCanvasA canvas represents a logical 2D projection surface
 CChannelA channel represents a two-dimensional viewport within a Window
 CChannelStatisticsSamples one channel statistics event
 CClientThe client represents a network node of the application in the cluster
 CCompositorA set of functions performing compositing for a set of input frames
 CConfigA configuration is a visualization session driven by an application
 CConfigStatisticsSamples one Config statistics event
 CEventHandlerBase class for window system-specific event handlers
 CEventICommandA command specialization for config events
 CExceptionException class for Equalizer operations
 CFrameA holder for a frame data and related parameters
 CFrameDataA holder for multiple images
 CGLExceptionOpenGL Exception
 CGlobalGlobal parameter handling for the Equalizer client library
 CGLWindowA system window for OpenGL rendering
 CImageA holder for pixel data
 CImageOpA structure describing an image assembly task, used by the Compositor
 CLayoutA layout groups one or more View, logically belonging together
 CMessagePumpAn interface to process system messages or events
 CNodeA Node represents a single computer in the cluster
 CNodeFactoryThe node factory is a per-node singleton used to create and release Equalizer resource instances
 CNotifierInterfaceA base class for notifying errors and events
 CObserverAn Observer looks at one or more views from a certain position (head matrix) with a given eye separation
 CPipeA Pipe represents a graphics card (GPU) on a Node
 CPixelDataThe pixel data structure manages the pixel information for images
 CResultImageListenerThe result image listener gets notified on new images produced by destination channels
 CSegmentA segment covers a sub-area of a Canvas
 CServerProxy object for the connection to an Equalizer server
 CStatisticSamplerUtility to sample an statistics event
 CSystemPipeThe interface definition for system-specific GPU handling
 CSystemWindowThe interface definition for system-specific windowing code
 CVersionInformation about the current Equalizer version
 CViewA View is a 2D area of a Layout
 CWindowA Window represents an on-screen or off-screen drawable
 CWindowSettingsA set of settings to setup an eq::SystemWindow
 CWindowStatisticsA statistics sampler for window-related events
 CWindowSystemIFThe interface for windowing toolkits
 CVersionInformation about the current EqualizerFabric version
 CVersionInformation about the current EqualizerServer version
 NseqSequel - A simple interface to the Equalizer parallel rendering framework
 CApplicationThe main application object
 CRendererA renderer instance
 CVersionInformation about the current Sequel version
 CViewDataStores per-view data