__GLXEvent | |
co::Barrier | A networked, versioned barrier |
co::base::Atomic< T > | An variable with atomic operations |
co::base::Buffer< T > | A simple memory buffer with some helper functions |
co::base::Clock | A class for time measurements |
co::base::Condition | A condition variable and associated lock |
co::base::DSO | Helper to access dynamic shared objects (DSO) |
co::base::ErrorRegistry | A registry translating error codes to strings |
co::base::ExecutionListener | A listener interface to monitor execution unit (Thread, Process) state changes |
co::base::Global | Global parameter handling for the Equalizer base library |
co::base::hashRefPtr< T > | A hash function for RefPtr keys |
co::base::Launcher | The launcher executes a command from a separate process |
co::base::LFQueue< T > | A thread-safe, lock-free queue with non-blocking access |
co::base::Lock | A lock (mutex) primitive |
co::base::Lockable< D, L > | A convenience structure to hold data together with a lock for access |
co::base::Log | The logging class |
co::base::LogBuffer | |
co::base::MemoryMap | Helper to map a file to a memory address (mmap) |
co::base::Monitor< T > | A monitor primitive |
co::base::MTQueue< T > | A thread-safe queue with a blocking read access |
co::base::NonCopyable | Base class to make objects non-copyable |
co::base::OMP | Base class for OpenMP functionality |
co::base::PerThread< T > | Implements thread-specific storage for C++ objects |
co::base::PerThreadRef< T > | Thread-specific storage for a RefPtr |
co::base::PluginRegistry | The registry for all loaded Equalizer plugins |
co::base::Pool< T, locked > | An object allocation pool |
co::base::PtrHash< K, T > | A hash for pointer keys |
co::base::Referenced | Base class for referenced objects |
co::base::RefPtr< T > | A smart reference pointer |
co::base::RefPtrHash< K, T > | A hash for RefPtr keys |
co::base::RequestHandler | A thread-safe request handler |
co::base::RNG | A random number generator |
co::base::ScopedMutex< L > | A scoped mutex |
co::base::SpinLock | A fast lock for uncontended memory access |
co::base::Thread | An utility class to execute code in a separate execution thread |
co::base::ThreadID | An utility class to wrap OS-specific thread identifiers |
co::base::TimedLock | A mutex with timeout capabilities |
co::base::uint128_t | A base type for 128 bit unsigned integer values |
co::base::UUID | Provides a universally unique identifier |
co::base::UUIDHash< T > | A hash for UUID keys |
co::BufferConnection | A proxy connection buffering outgoing data into a memory region |
co::Command | |
co::CommandCache | A command cache handles the reuse of allocated packets for a node |
co::CommandFunc< T > | A wrapper to register a function callback on an object instance |
co::CommandQueue | A CommandQueue is a thread-safe queue for command packets |
co::Connection | An interface definition for communication between hosts |
co::ConnectionDescription | Describes Connection parameters |
co::ConnectionListener | A listener interface to connection changes |
co::ConnectionSet | A set of connections |
co::DataIStream | A std::istream-like input data stream for binary data |
co::DataOStream | A std::ostream buffering and/or retaining data in a binary format |
co::Dispatcher | A helper class providing command packet dispatch functionality to networked objects |
co::Global | Global parameter handling for the Equalizer network implementation |
co::InstanceCache | |
co::InstanceCache::Data | One cache entry |
co::LocalNode | Specialization of a local node |
co::Node | Manages a node |
co::NodePacket | Packet sent to and handled by an co::Node |
co::Object | A generic, distributed object |
co::ObjectPacket | Packet sent to and handled by an co::Object |
co::ObjectVersion | A helper struct bundling an object identifier and version |
co::Packet | A packet send over the network |
eq::AGLEventHandler | The event handler for AGL windows |
eq::AGLMessagePump | A message pump receiving and dispatching Carbon events |
eq::AGLPipe | Equalizer default implementation to handle an AGL GPU |
eq::AGLWindow | Equalizer default implementation of an AGL window interface |
eq::AGLWindowEvent | A window-system event with the native Carbon event, used for AGL |
eq::AGLWindowIF | The interface defining the minimum functionality for an AGL window |
eq::Canvas | A canvas represents a logical 2D projection surface |
eq::Channel | A channel represents a two-dimensional viewport within a Window |
eq::ChannelStatistics | Samples one channel statistics event |
eq::Client | The client represents a network node of the application in the cluster |
eq::CommandQueue | |
eq::Compositor | A set of functions performing compositing for a set of input frames |
eq::Compositor::ImageOp | A structure describing an image assembly task |
eq::ComputeContext | The interface definition for API-specific GPGPU handling |
eq::Config | A configuration is a visualization session driven by an application |
eq::ConfigEvent | A config event |
eq::ConfigParams | Parameters for running a configuration |
eq::ConfigStatistics | Samples one Config statistics event |
eq::CUDAContext | CUDA implementation of a ComputeContext |
eq::Event | Event structure to report window system and other events |
eq::EventHandler | Base class for window system-specific event handlers |
eq::fabric::Canvas< CFG, C, S, L > | A canvas represents a logical 2D projection surface |
eq::fabric::Channel< W, C > | Base data transport class for channels |
eq::fabric::Client | A client represents a network node of the application in the cluster |
eq::fabric::ColorMask | Defines which parts of the color buffer are to be written |
eq::fabric::Config< S, C, O, L, CV, N, V > | Base data class for a configuration |
eq::fabric::ConfigVisitor< C, OV, LV, CV, NV > | A visitor to traverse configs and all children |
eq::fabric::DrawableConfig | Stores the characteristics of a window's frame buffer configuration |
eq::fabric::ElementVisitor< T, C > | A visitor to traverse non-leaf elements and their children in a tree |
eq::fabric::Frustum | A distributed object for frustum data |
eq::fabric::Global | Global parameter handling for the Equalizer fabric namespace |
eq::fabric::Layout< C, L, V > | Base data transport class for layouts |
eq::fabric::LeafVisitor< T > | A visitor to traverse leaf nodes of a graph |
eq::fabric::Node< C, N, P, V > | Base data transport class for nodes |
eq::fabric::Object | Internal base class for all distributed, inheritable Equalizer objects |
eq::fabric::Observer< C, O > | Base data transport class for observers |
eq::fabric::Pipe< N, P, W, V > | Base data transport class for pipes |
eq::fabric::Pixel | Holds a pixel decomposition specification with methods for manipulation |
eq::fabric::PixelViewport | Holds a 2D pixel viewport with methods for manipulation |
eq::fabric::Projection | A projector definition defining a view frustum |
eq::fabric::Range | A fractional database range with methods for manipulation |
eq::fabric::RenderContext | The context applied to a channel during rendering operations |
eq::fabric::Segment< C, S, CH > | Base data transport class for segments |
eq::fabric::Serializable | Base class for all distributed, inheritable objects |
eq::fabric::Server< CL, S, CFG, NF, N > | Base co::Node class for a server |
eq::fabric::SubPixel | Holds a subpixel decomposition specification along with some methods for manipulation |
eq::fabric::View< L, V, O > | Base data transport class for views |
eq::fabric::Viewport | A fractional viewport with methods for manipulation |
eq::fabric::Wall | A wall defining a view frustum |
eq::fabric::Window< P, W, C > | Base data transport class for windows |
eq::fabric::Zoom | A zoom specification with methods for manipulation |
eq::Frame | A holder for a frame data and related parameters |
eq::FrameData | A holder for multiple images |
eq::FrameData::ImageHeader | |
eq::Global | Global parameter handling for the Equalizer client library |
eq::GLWindow | A system window for OpenGL rendering |
eq::GLXEventHandler | The event handler for glX/X11 windows |
eq::GLXMessagePump | A message pump receiving and dispatching X11 events |
eq::GLXPipe | Default implementation of a glX system pipe |
eq::GLXWindow | Equalizer default implementation of a glX window |
eq::GLXWindowEvent | A window-system event for a GLXWindowIF |
eq::GLXWindowIF | The interface defining the minimum functionality for a glX window |
eq::Image | A holder for pixel data |
eq::KeyEvent | Event for a key press or release |
eq::Layout | A layout groups one or more View, logically belonging together |
eq::MagellanEvent | Event for a SpaceMouse movement or click |
eq::MessagePump | An interface to process system messages or events |
eq::Node | A Node represents a single computer in the cluster |
eq::Node::TransmitThread | |
eq::NodeFactory | The node factory is a per-node singleton used to create and release Equalizer resource instances |
eq::Observer | An Observer looks at one or more views from a certain position (head matrix) with a given eye separation |
eq::Pipe | A Pipe represents a graphics card (GPU) on a Node |
eq::PixelData | The pixel data structure manages the pixel information for images |
eq::PointerEvent | Event for a pointer (mouse) motion or click |
eq::ResizeEvent | Event for a size or position change on a Window, Channel or View |
eq::Segment | A segment covers a sub-area of a Canvas |
eq::Server | Proxy object for the connection to an Equalizer server |
eq::Statistic | A statistics event |
eq::StatisticSampler< Owner > | Utility to sample an statistics event |
eq::SystemPipe | The interface definition for system-specific GPU handling |
eq::SystemWindow | The interface definition for system-specific windowing code |
eq::UIFactory | |
eq::UIFactoryImpl< WindowSystem > | |
eq::UserEvent | User-defined event |
eq::util::Accum | A C++ class to abstract an accumulation buffer |
eq::util::AccumBufferObject | A class to emulate an OpenGL accumulation buffer using an FBO |
eq::util::BitmapFont< OMT > | A wrapper around AGL, WGL and GLX bitmap fonts |
eq::util::FrameBufferObject | A C++ class to abstract OpenGL frame buffer objects |
eq::util::ObjectManager< T > | A facility class to manage OpenGL objects across shared contexts |
eq::util::Texture | A wrapper around OpenGL textures |
eq::Version | Information about the current Equalizer version |
eq::View | A View is a 2D area of a Layout |
eq::WGLEventHandler | The event handler for WGL |
eq::WGLMessagePump | Processes OS messages on Win32 systems |
eq::WGLPipe | Equalizer default implementation of a WGL GPU |
eq::WGLWindow | Equalizer default implementation of a WGL window |
eq::WGLWindowEvent | A window-system event for a WGLWindowIF |
eq::WGLWindowIF | The interface defining the minimum functionality for a WGL window |
eq::Window | A Window represents an on-screen or off-screen drawable |
eq::WindowStatistics | A statistics sampler for window-related events |
EqCompressorInfo | Information about one compressor |
eqHello::Channel | |
eqHello::NodeFactory | |
eqNbody::Channel | |
eqNbody::Client | |
eqNbody::Config | |
eqNbody::ConfigEvent | |
eqNbody::Controller | |
eqNbody::FrameData | |
eqNbody::InitData | |
eqNbody::Node | |
eqNbody::ParticleRenderer | |
eqNbody::Pipe | |
eqNbody::SharedData | |
eqNbody::SharedDataProxy | |
eqNbody::Window | |
eqPixelBench::Channel | |
eqPixelBench::Config | |
eqPixelBench::ConfigEvent | |
eqPixelBench::cpp::EnumMap | |
eqPixelBench::Window | |
eqPly::CameraAnimation | Loads sequence of camera positions and interpolates them on a per-frame basis |
eqPly::CameraAnimation::Step | |
eqPly::Channel | The rendering entity, updating a part of a Window |
eqPly::Config | The configuration, run be the EqPly application |
eqPly::ConfigEvent | |
eqPly::cpp::ErrorData | |
eqPly::EqPly | The EqPly application instance |
eqPly::FrameData | Frame-specific data |
eqPly::InitData | |
eqPly::LocalInitData | Manages the argument parsing and non-distributed part of the initialization data |
eqPly::ModelAssigner | Helper to assign models to views |
eqPly::Node | Representation of a node in the cluster |
eqPly::Pipe | The representation of one GPU |
eqPly::Tracker | |
eqPly::VertexBufferDist | Co::Object to distribute a model, holds a VertexBufferBase node |
eqPly::VertexBufferState | |
eqPly::View | |
eqPly::Window | A window represent an OpenGL drawable and context |
eVolve::Channel | |
eVolve::Config | |
eVolve::cpp::ErrorData | |
eVolve::DataInTextureDimensions | Structure that contain actual dimensions of data that is stored in volume texture |
eVolve::EVolve | |
eVolve::FrameData | |
eVolve::GLSLShaders | |
eVolve::InitData | |
eVolve::LocalInitData | |
eVolve::Node | |
eVolve::Pipe | |
eVolve::RawVolumeModel | Load model to texture |
eVolve::RawVolumeModelRenderer | |
eVolve::SliceClipper | |
eVolve::VolumeInfo | |
eVolve::VolumeScaling | Contain overal volume proportions relatively [-1,-1,-1]..[1,1,1] cube |
eVolve::Window | |
GLXBufferClobberEventSGIX | |
GLXHyperpipeConfigSGIX | |
GLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIX | |
GLXPbufferClobberEvent | |
GLXPipeRect | |
GLXPipeRectLimits | |
hash< co::base::uint128_t > | |
hash< co::ObjectVersion > | ObjectVersion hash function |
hlpFuncs::hFile | Just helping structure to automatically close files |
mesh::ArrayWrapper< T, d > | |
mesh::MeshException | |
mesh::NullOStream | |
mesh::NullOStream::NullStreamBuf | |
mesh::VertexBufferBase | |
mesh::VertexBufferData | |
mesh::VertexBufferLeaf | |
mesh::VertexBufferNode | |
mesh::VertexBufferRoot | |
mesh::VertexBufferState | |
mesh::VertexBufferStateSimple | |
mesh::VertexData | |
NodeFactory | |
osgScaleViewer::Channel | The Channel renders the frames in frameDraw() |
osgScaleViewer::Config | |
osgScaleViewer::FrameData | |
osgScaleViewer::InitData | The init data holds all data which is needed during initalization |
osgScaleViewer::Node | |
osgScaleViewer::NodeFactory | |
osgScaleViewer::OSGScaleViewer | |
osgScaleViewer::Pipe | The Pipe holds the viewer and the frame data |
osgScaleViewer::Quad | |
osgScaleViewer::SceneReader | |
osgScaleViewer::SceneView | Based on osgUtil::SceneView, but stripped done to only render and not interfere with stereo setup |
osgScaleViewer::Window | A window represents an OpenGL drawable and context |
OtherData | |
OtherElem | |
PlyElement | |
PlyFile | |
PlyOtherElems | |
PlyOtherProp | |
PlyProperty | |
hash_map | |
Tracker | |