Equalizer  1.8.0
Parallel Rendering Framework
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Ceq::CompositorA set of functions performing compositing for a set of input frames
 Ceq::Compositor::ImageOpA structure describing an image assembly task
 Ceq::ComputeContextThe interface definition for API-specific GPGPU handling
 Ceq::EventHandlerBase class for window system-specific event handlers
 Ceq::fabric::ColorMaskDefines which parts of the color buffer are to be written
 Ceq::fabric::ConfigParamsParameters for running a configuration
 Ceq::fabric::DrawableConfigStores the characteristics of a window's frame buffer configuration
 Ceq::fabric::EqualizerBase data transport class for equalizers
 Ceq::fabric::ErrorA wrapper for error codes to allow intuitive bool-like usage
 Ceq::fabric::EventEvent structure to report window system and other events
 Ceq::fabric::FrustumA distributed object for frustum data
 Ceq::fabric::GlobalGlobal parameter handling for the Equalizer fabric namespace
 Ceq::fabric::GPUInfoA structure containing GPU-specific information
 Ceq::fabric::KeyEventEvent for a key press or release
 Ceq::fabric::LeafVisitor< T >A visitor to traverse leaf nodes of a graph
 Ceq::fabric::MagellanEventEvent for a SpaceMouse movement or click
 Ceq::fabric::PixelHolds a pixel decomposition specification with methods for manipulation
 Ceq::fabric::PixelViewportHolds a 2D pixel viewport with methods for manipulation
 Ceq::fabric::PointerEventEvent for a pointer (mouse) motion or click
 Ceq::fabric::ProjectionA projector definition defining a view frustum
 Ceq::fabric::RangeA fractional database range with methods for manipulation
 Ceq::fabric::RenderContextThe context applied to a channel during rendering operations
 Ceq::fabric::ResizeEventEvent for a size or position change on a Window, Channel or View
 Ceq::fabric::StatisticA statistics event
 Ceq::fabric::SubPixelHolds a subpixel decomposition specification along with some methods for manipulation
 Ceq::fabric::UserEventUser-defined event
 Ceq::fabric::ViewportA fractional viewport with methods for manipulation
 Ceq::fabric::WallA wall defining a view frustum
 Ceq::fabric::WindowSettingsA set of settings to setup an eq::fabric::Window
 Ceq::MessagePumpAn interface to process system messages or events
 Ceq::NodeFactoryThe node factory is a per-node singleton used to create and release Equalizer resource instances
 Ceq::NotifierInterfaceA base class for notifying errors and events
 Ceq::StatisticSampler< Owner >Utility to sample an statistics event
 Ceq::SystemPipeThe interface definition for system-specific GPU handling
 Ceq::SystemWindowThe interface definition for system-specific windowing code
 Ceq::util::FrameBufferObjectA C++ class to abstract OpenGL frame buffer objects
 Ceq::util::ObjectManagerA facility class to manage OpenGL objects across shared contexts
 Ceq::VersionInformation about the current Equalizer version
 Ceq::WindowSystemIFThe interface for windowing toolkits
 CeqAsync::TextureIdStructure to associate OpenGL texture ids with an external key
 CeqPly::CameraAnimationLoads sequence of camera positions and interpolates them on a per-frame basis
 CeVolve::DataInTextureDimensionsStructure that contain actual dimensions of data that is stored in volume texture
 CeVolve::RawVolumeModelLoad model to texture
 CeVolve::VolumeScalingContain overall volume proportions relatively [-1,-1,-1]..[1,1,1] cube
 ChlpFuncs::hFileJust helping structure to automatically close files
 Ceq::StatisticSampler< Channel >
 Ceq::StatisticSampler< Config >
 Ceq::StatisticSampler< Window >